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Creating for Yourself

Writer's picture: Julie BoglischJulie Boglisch

Many times we all get wrapped up in worries and problems that arise when trying to create something. Whether that be the stress of trying to come up with a work, or the depression when we find ourself frustrated at our own inabilities.

This can happen to anyone, young or old, new at a hobby or a veteran, we all struggle with this same problem.

Is this good enough?

I know a lot of people who look at someone's artwork or writing or crafting and say (or think) that they, themselves, would never be able to do that. They jokingly say things like: "I can't even draw a straight line" or "Writing seems to complicated to me, how do you even do it?"

The thing is, though, that is a lie that we, as human's, tell ourself because we are afraid of failing and HAVE failed, over, and over, and over again. This is nothing to be ashamed of. I know, sure as heck, that I fall into that mind set occasionally.

Here's the thing, though, if someone truly has any desire to learn a craft, if they put in the time and effort, they can learn.

Take, for instance, the drawing a straight line comment. I'll be utterly truthful... I can't draw a straight line worth crap! That's what I use a ruler for, and I still manage to get it off-kilter or askew. However, that doesn't stop me from learning how to draw and learning how to create backgrounds as I grow as an artist.

Do you know why that is the case?

It is because I learn the craft for myself... not for anyone else. (Okay, partial lie, I do like compliments, everyone does, but that's not the point of this post.) As much as I like compliments, I wouldn't still be pushing forward and learning if that was the only reason I do what I do.

Many artists and creators go unnoticed for most of their works and even lives. Go to an artist alley sometime, and you will see a plethora of amazing artists, struggling to catch attention... but you will also see them back every year, still pushing forward.

That is because they do it for themselves, not for another person.

Often times, we get caught up in logistics. In numbers, analytics, calculations, all the moments where we feel what we do isn't worth the effort. We see when only nine people have found and even SEEN our work, and struggle with wondering why we even bother. We deal with moments where we put our life's work on the table, and not a single person leaves a review.

It's those moments, in particular, that makes it so those who create for themselves, who enjoy the process of creation and who don't put full stock in analytics, are able to push forward and try again. They are able to 'choke back the tears' (After thoroughly crying, because my gosh, is it okay to cry in those instances.) and keep moving forward.

We, as creators, are able to do that because we believe in our craft and we enjoy what we do.

So, next time you find yourself struggling to create something, whether that be cooking or drawing, try not to think of how 'bad' you are at it and focus on learning it for yourself. Anyone can learn how to do a craft if they put their mind to it and enjoy it.

Remember, just because you can't cook without burning what you touch, doesn't mean you can't learn how to make a great tasting cake. Focus, concentration, the willingness to learn and remembering that it is for yourself and not anyone else can make all the difference.

So, what is something you've always wanted to try, but put off because you didn't think you would be able to do it? Have you thought of just trying anyway just to try for yourself and not society as a whole? After all, having a hobby is a good thing, and having that hobby turn into a career is also a good thing, you are the one who decides which it should be.

So, it's okay to be fearful, just don't let it stop you from doing what you want to do. As a wise man once said, 'Courage isn't the absence of fear. Courage is acting in spite of fear.' So go out there and do what you want, not for anyone else, but for yourself.

Do you agree with my sentiment? When have you pushed passed your fear and done something you never thought you could? Did you regret it? Or were you grateful for the opportunity?

I would love to know!

After all, I'm much the same when it comes to my writing and artwork. Below you can see my written works.


Julie Boglisch is a prolific author. At the age of twenty-eight she has already created and published multiple works. Her second series, The Elifer Chronicles, received a glowing Kirkus Review. She is an artist both in character art and cover design and is the creator of her own covers for her works.

1 Comment

Pat Boglisch
Pat Boglisch
Jun 09, 2021

This is such a true statement.

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